12-29-11 Another
confirmation at the Book store!
A couple of weekends ago, Stephanie and I began to drive around
looking for Book Stores that would put "Another Second Chance"
on their shelves.
We had been informed that
getting your "self published" book onto a book store shelf is not an easy task.
Most stores wont even consider it unless you are an established author with a
publisher and distributor behind you. Even when you are able to, the fees will
drive your profit margin down to a minimal amount.

You could hear the loud bells jingling together as we opened
the front door! The peoples heads turning to see who we are. Then that nervous
feeling of "what the heck am I doing hear" running through my body.
"Hi. May I speak to the manager please. Or
owner." I said, to the lady standing in front of the counter; Not being
sure if she was "that person".
"He's right there" she said, pointing to a gentlemen who's
head was all you could see sitting behind the counter. He was working on his
He stood up and said "Hi, how can I help you?"
I stuck out my hand and introduced myself and Stephanie. I put
my book onto the counter as I began to stumble and stammer through what was
suppose to be my sales pitch. I told him we were from Fremont and what the book
was about. As I talked, he just sifted through the book studying various
pages. He made it to the pics of when I played Jesus and began
to smile.
"Wow, that looks very real!" he said.
At this point his assistant began to look at the pics. Her
reaction was the same as the owner. She began to ask Stephanie questions about
the pictures and the story within the book.
As their conversation took off and into a different path, I
continued to chat with the owner.
"My name is Phil, by the way." he said. He
began to ask a few questions about the story. How I came to need a kidney? Who I
received a kidney from? (That one took a while to answer) And how I wrote the book and
published it.
Phil continued to flip the pages, skimming through the
chapters. Asking questions about various portions of the book.
Finally he asked "So what is it that your wanting to
"Well, we were hoping to have the book for sale on you
shelf in hear." I said. Then it felt like the room went silent for a
moment. I looked over to Stephanie and back. Phil just continued to look down at
the book, still skimming through it.
Finally the silence was broken. "I don't normally put
biographies and memoirs on our shelves. Our books are generally Catholic based.
But I believe that this book can speak on many levels. Just from what I have
seen so far, I would be willing to put it on my shelf."
"What do you have in mind?" Phil said.
I looked over at Stephanie as she began to say "Well
we have a lot of cost in the book and can't give you a
Then Phil jumped in and said "I wasn't going to charge
you. I was just going to let you put'em on the shelf! You keep it
I just started to laugh as I looked over at Stephanie. She was
busy picking her jaw up off of the floor from her previous
"OK." I said as I continued to chuckle in
disbelief and thankfulness. God had come through once again. But He wasn't
finished yet...
What Phil said next, left me picking my jaw up off of his
" You see, I will more than likely be where you
are in this book one day. I have polycistic kidney disease. This is a book that
is close to my heart already and needs to be shared." Phil said.
I was discouraged to even go to this book store, But God lead the way. He knew even before this book was written, that Phil would be waiting to accept it into his store and into his life. Phil started this Holy book store on faith alone! He was a school teacher 7 years ago or so, and felt lead to start this store. Many told him that he was crazy and it would never succeed. Years later, Phil and the Holy book store are still there, in busy downtown Sandusky. Now, so is "Another Second Chance ...God's Story".
Thanks to the faith of my new friend Phil...
WOW! Praise the Lord! The way He leads you, Troy, is absolutely incredible! - Michele