Monday, December 19, 2011

This is your story Matthew West

The story of your life.

It was February and the winds were howling with snow closing the airports, roads, and Schools. I stood by my bay window staring out into the dead of winter, wondering how to get started.

It had been just over 6 months since my second chance at life. I had been ignoring every ones advice to write a book. Even God's! I had found every excuse and reason why not to write this story. No experience, No money, No idea where to start, No time, and the fact that I am not a writer.

The conviction to write this book grew stronger, almost as if I was called to write it. So on this day I had no where to go and plenty of time on my hands. I could walk away or get started. I couldn't take it no longer, so I walked to my computer, sat down and started to tell a story. My story. The story that was given to me by God.

There were many moments when I wanted to "throw in the towel" and just live my life like everything was normal. Like nothing ever happened and go back to "status quo". After all, wouldn't that be easier than burring myself in my basement all summer long just to write this story, this book, that nobody may ever read. Maybe even be ridiculed if its a complete failure and have people tell me "I told you so, your not a writer!"

It's funny how human nature always doubts... Your mind always goes to the negative first, wondering what if. Then the discouragement follows. It was in these moments that I looked for encouragement, a reminder of why I started in the first place.

On those days that I wanted to give up, I would listen to music for inspiration. There was one particular day when it looked as if this was never going to happen and walking away seemed like the best option. So I went for a drive and turned on the radio and God spoke...

Listen and tell me "What would you have done?"

I kept writing...  About my story.

And praying and writing... To become God's Story.

And hoping and writing...  To become Your Story.

Believing there was a reason that I was spared.. I continued to write. 

I continued to walk in Faith, knowing that God was guiding my way. After all, it is His book!

I dreamed of a day that I would hold this book. The one that God inspired me to scribe (write). 

And I would hand it to you and say "This is now your story"

Thank you Lord for making my dream a reality!

The walk continues...

Matthew West - This is your story

Matthew West with his new story and Mandisa in the back photo bombing! She is so Sweet!

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