There were many small interesting God stories that didn't make the book. Over the next year I am going to write many of them (and the new ones that continue to happen). So be sure to hit the "Follow" button to be notified every time a new one is posted. And if you haven't gotten the book yet.. What are you waiting for? Hit the "Buy the book" button to the right! (you won't be disappointed)
This is a follow up to chapter 11 with the nurse (Heather) at dialysis. She (in the white coat) just bought a copy of the book and sent me a review. I was blown away...
Another Second Chance - Page 98:
Three nurses stood in front of me, alternating between glances at me and then my numbers. They had something like a coy smirk. It was similar to that of an older sister who understands something her little brother doesn't.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore, and smiling I said, "What!?"
A Woman I later learned was named Heather said, "We are looking at your numbers and we are looking at you. We know that you are still going to work and getting around. By the look of these numbers, you should look a lot worse than you do and be in a bed somewhere."
Stephanie immediately seized the opening to tell them about the journey we had experienced so far and how we continued to beat the odds-even with the disease's progression...
1-14-2012 - Heather wrote...
"I told you I would read your book in a day! I just got done with it. Awesome! It made me laugh, cry, think, and get inspired! Your writing was great. I loved the verses, as each one was so fitting for that chapter.
That alone was God inspired!
So, I had to let you know that today is the 2nd time your story has touched me personally. Let me explain...
I don't know if you and steph remember this or not, but when you were getting dialysis, I talked to you alot about how I was praying for you two.
Its a little scary to discuss God with my patients because there are so many rules in my line of work. We are never to push our personal beliefs off on to others of course, but also because of the setting there, we have to be careful we don't offend those around us who might be listening.
I felt like at times I was a little bolder than what was allowed, as I talked about how I was praying for a specific day for you to get a transplant and how I also felt an urgency about it.
Dialyzing you was a little nerve wracking! I needed strength and wisdom from God just to do it because you were so sick. I feel honored to have had an opportunity to have met you both, God coordinated me working those evening hours that summer, as I trained a new nurse. If I had worked the hours I usually work(3:30am-4pm) I never would have met you!
Anyway, Steph took the time one evening in the middle of your hard times with dialysis to find my home phone number. She called me and said I was an angel for praying and encouraging you guys. That meant so much to me and I will never forget it!
When you pray for those you don't know super well, it's a bit hard to know if its okay with them or not. I needed that encouragement to know I was doing the right thing and hadn't passed over my professional boundaries! In fact, I still use that call from her to encourage me to pray for others to this day!
Her voice was so sweet and sincere! Thank her for me.
So, today, I was so looking forward to reading your book. I have been in a bit of a spiritual rut lately. I know it and God knows it and He has been patiently waiting for me to get closer again.
I love how single verses can say so much. I used to look up verses every morning and send them to about 35 people on my phone each day. I stopped doing that and my bible reading suffered for it.
There was something so inspiring about the way those verses were woven into each part of your story. I'm feeling a renewed sense of strength tonight I haven't felt in awhile!
So, thank you for sharing this amazing God story! He is so good!! How does He do it?! God bless!"
Who could have known that this was going on behind the scenes?? I know that I didn't!
But GOD did!!
I feel that I should write a verse that fits this story. Just for my "Angel" Heather...
1Corinthians 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"
The walk continues...